Question: What Art Supplies does Lori use?
Answer: Here’s the link that includes Lori’s favorite things including paints, painting surfaces, etc. https://loriputnam.online/loris-favorite-things
Question: What easel does Lori use in her studio?
Answer: Luckily for Lori, her husband Mark built her first large studio easel. One of a kind (Mark and the easel). She has recently purchased a model 4000, mahogany, Hughes Easel.
Question: What happened to the ValuerViewer App? I tried To update it and Can’t find it.
Answer: Unfortunately, the ValueViewer is no longer available. Be sure you are subscribed to Lori’s announcements list in the event it is updated and available in the future.
Question: How does Lori pack when traveling with her supplies?
Answer: Lori’s blog post Top 5 Latest Travel Tips for Artists will help.
Question: How can I find out Lori’s workshop schedule?
Answer: Lori is taking time away from teaching formal workshops at the end of 2022. You can find out about all available learning opportunities, demonstrations, and lectures with this link. https://loriputnam.com/workshops. To be the first to know about new workshops, subscribe to Lori’s mailing list. https://loriputnam.com/subscribe.
Question: How can I purchase a painting?
Answer: Email us at support@loriputnam.com with the name of the painting and we will be happy to assist you.
Question: How can I Access my Nitty-Gritty™ Video Subscription?
Answer: Here is a link that includes pertinent information regarding your subscription. http://loriputnam.com/nitty-gritty-videos-how-to-view
Question: What is the Online Atelier and how do I join?
Answer: Here is a link to this free, private group. When requesting membership, please be sure to answer all of the questions. This will expedite the approval process. https://www.facebook.com/groups/PutnamOnlineAtelier
Question: How can I apply for Lori’s Mentoring Program?
Answer: Applications are accepted at any time. Follow this link learn about the Mentoring Program (plus other online services). https://loriputnam.online
Question: How do I schedule my Mentoring Appointment?
Answer: Here is a link to the online scheduler. Schedule your appointment.